The COMM Alumni Mentoring Program (C.A.M.P.) returns this Spring! This event matches COMM majors with COMM alumni for the purpose of developing mutually beneficial relationships. In particular, program mentors offer career advice to the students. Students benefit by expanding their networks and learning about professionalism from individuals who took many of the same classes and graduated from the same program.

An example of a thriving mentor-student pairing involves alumna Laura (Maninger) McNiel (B.A. 2012; M.A. 2014) who is a mentor for both Marisol Espinal-Romani (B.A. 2020) and current student Lanie Arevalo. Marisol said "I am so grateful for CAMP for connecting me with Laura, my mentor. She has been inexplicably helpful the last 5 years. Although I have gone through a career change since graduating college, she has provided me with continued support and resources. I look forward to our lunch dates and text check-in's; she is a mentor for life for me."

Lanie noted how Laura has helped her with several career-related issues. She said, "Laura and I hit it off from the beginning. She's given me so much advice from navigating toxic a work place, preparing for law school, and general life lessons. It's nice to have a person who has walked the same campus help prepare you for the next step in your life."

However, it is not just the students who appreciate gaining a mentor; the alumni benefit as well. Laura said, "The CAMP mentoring program has provided so many great opportunities for me to connect to the leaders of tomorrow. As a professional in Dallas, these mentor relationships have been a great way for me to do for others what so many did for me in my early career."

This year's CAMP event is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, at a location to be determined. Keep an eye out for a post inviting COMM alumni to apply to be mentors this year.

Laura McNiel with Lanie Arevalo, CAMP 2023.

Marisol Espinal-Romani.