Congratulations to Dr. Enck for her article, "Resisting Gender Violence: We Are Also Not Alone," in Spectra Magazine. Stephen Hartnett, President of National Communication Association, reached out to Dr. Enck to write an article for the March 2017 issue focused on "Communication's Role in Social Justice and Civic Engagement." Dr. Enck used this platform to discuss her personal pedagogy experience and collaborations with other communication scholars and activists regarding gender violence.
In the article, Dr. Enck explains how a workshop that she coordinated this past year at NCA (2016) in Philadelphia brought together people from the field who write about gender violence and local anti-violence workers. She also writes about a particular first-hand experience as a feminist rhetorician professor and the impact she had on a former student, now colleague, while teaching about rape culture and prevention.
When asked about her thoughts on the article she stated, "I used the experience at the workshop and my own personal background as the larger springboard for thinking about how our field approaches research, teaching, and service regarding gender violence (intimate partner violence and sexual assault response and prevention)."
Subscribe and read the article here: