Join us for a stage adaptation of Sylvia Plath's classic novel, The Bell Jar, April 5-7th at 7:00 pm in the Performance Studies Black Box, Room 321 of the General Academic Building on the campus of the University of North Texas. In this adaptation, director Dr. Rebecca Walker differentiates the novel from the common misconception that the novel is about the author's suicide and frames the narrative as a coming-of-age tale for young people in a post-modern world.
Dr. Rebecca Walker directs this production with assistance from Andrea Lovoll, and features cast members Kim Nall, Victoria Smith, Brittany Hale, Meagan Oestry, Jenna Ledford-Millerd, Miranda Chesson, and Holley Vaughn.
To reserve your tickets, visit the main office in GAB 309, or by calling 940.565.2588. A $5 donation will be requested at the door. All proceeds from these donations go to support future performances in the Performance Studies Black Box by the Department of Communication Studies.