Lots of meetings this week!
PIGS will be having auditions for the Petit Jean Performance Festival at their meeting this Wednesday, March 28th. If you have a piece that you would like to present for the audition, make you meet the following parameters:
• Your piece must be NO LONGER than 6 minutes, at least 4 minutes would be preferable.
• It can be a contemporary piece or an experimental piece. (Monologues, prose, performance
art, etc.)
• Be completely memorized for your audition.
• Be available April 18th through the 22nd
Auditions start at 4 PM in GAB 321 (the black box)!
NCA Future Pros will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, March 28th, at 5 PM in the COMM Library and will feature guest speaker Karen Ptacek. Ptacek is a representative from Dallas Area Rapid Transit, so be sure to attend if you wish to learn more about her position and how communication is part of her work!
COGS is having a meeting this Wednesday, March 28th, at 4 PM in the COMM Library. At this meeting, Dr. Suzanne Enck will be leading a workshop addressing curriculum vitae writing and other issues concerning professionalization in the field of academia.