All People | Communication Studies

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Department Chair and Associate Professor

GAB 309F
(940) 565-4854
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
GAB 315
Dr. John M. Allison, Jr.
Emeritus Performance Studies Associate Professor (Retired Aug 2020)
Dr. Karen Anderson-Lain
Principal Lecturer and Basic Course Director
GAB 302
COMM Librarian
GAB 318
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Angela Brewer
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
COMM Librarian
GAB 318
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Office Student Assistant
GAB 309A
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Administrative Coordinator II
GAB 309B
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
COMM Librarian
GAB 318
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Office Student Assistant
GAB 309A
Associate Professor
GAB 320A
COMM 1010 Student Assistant
GAB 302
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Debate Student Assistant
Administrative Specialist
GAB 309A
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Dr. Brian Lain
Professor, Director of Debate
GAB 320D
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Dr. Joseph McGlynn
Associate Professor
GAB 320E
Associate Professor
GAB 328
Office Student Assistant
GAB 309A
Dr. Erin O'Connor
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Lecturer
GAB 316
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Debate Team Coordinator
GAB 325
Dr. Brian Richardson
GAB 309C
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
COMM Librarian
GAB 318
Teaching Assistant
GAB 322
Adjunct Instructor
GAB 301
Dr. Justin Trudeau
Associate Professor in Performance Studies
GAB 320B
Dr. Holley Vaughn
Performance Studies Senior Lecturer
GAB 320F
Dr. Zuoming Wang
Associate Professor
GAB 309E
Office Student Assistant
GAB 309A